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The Stute

Alumni pre-law panel: pathways to success

Who says that law and science cannot mix? As engineers, scientists, and researchers create products and develop processes at obscenely quick rates, the necessity to protect intellectual property is at an all-time high.

Nightmare before Christmas

Okay, I know we go to a tech school and most people don’t believe in any type of paranormal activity. But strange things happen in this world that can’t be explained!

LearnJam: Learn how to make games!

There were over 50 partcipants, laptops at the ready, eager to learn. They were all gathered in Peirce 120 to learn how to make video games, for LearnJam, an event hosted by the Stevens Game Development Club.

Horror games to play this Halloween

As you prepare for the madness of Halloween 2014, what better way to get into the Halloween sprit than playing some horror games?

Freshmen need help

We are more than halfway through the semester and there are plenty of things that I have yet to cover in Senioritis.

Generations of Mortal Kombat

In the wheelhouse of fighting games, Mortal Kombat has garnered a reputation through the years. Since the original game back in 1992, the series holds a special place in the industry for its absolute brutality and unrestrained use of blood, gore, and guts.

The path less traveled by

Robert Frost once wrote, “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”.

Growing up, I had a rough father.

Solar Decathlon team has high hopes for 2015

With motivation that hits close to home, the Stevens Solar Decathlon Team is learning from their previous mistakes and hoping to bring home the gold in 2015.