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The Stute

The War on Christmas

As finals draw to a close, we can all breathe a sigh of relief that, whether poorly or well, this semester has finally ended.

Stacks Pancake House

As the semester winds down, I returned to an old friend of a restaurant, Stacks Pancake House on Washington Street, which you might know for their warm, fluffy pancakes, abundant salads, and busy brunch atmosphere.

New York getting free citywide Wi-Fi

In the grandest rollout of free public Wi-Fi to date, New Yorkers will gain access to the Internet from anywhere in the city with the installation of up to 10,000 Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the five boroughs to form the LinkNYC network.

Go out for a drink

Alcohol is something that has been talked about in my life since I was a young boy. In fifth grade, we had a local police officer tell us about the dangers of drugs and alcohol in the Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, program.

The final countdown

I used to be really happy to be at Stevens, but lately, I just can’t stand it. Now, I’m counting down the days until I can go home.

It’s not black and white

“Hands up, don’t shoot!”

If this phrase is not familiar to you, you must have somehow missed the news during the last few months.