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Freshman develops new app

“Once I bought the iOS books, I was able to follow a very organized learning path that relieved the frustration I had grown accustomed to in programming,” says Zachary Shakked, a freshman computer science major here at Stevens.

Shakked recently released an app called Shakd, where users can “…type messages, pick an accent from over 35, change the pitch and speed of the voice, and send it to friends.” Shakked began his work on the app in high school when he was first learning iOS programming.

Like any developer, he made plenty of mistakes along the way, but is now a better programmer because of it. “It was a real struggle to add messaging functionality and friend requests. I had never done something that complicated before. Eventually, I submitted the app to the App Store, but was really unsatisfied with it,” Shakked recalls. “Over winter break, I removed the app, rewrote it from scratch and completely changed the look.” This updated version in currently on the App Store and has over 300 users in under a week.

Shakked attributes his completion of the app to being here at Stevens. He remarked, “I’m convinced at any other school I would not have finished the app. Not only have I met faculty and other students just as excited as me about app development, the location of Stevens has been integral. It’s close proximity to New York has allowed me to regularly attend iOS Meetups in the city.” Shakked explains that he’s met a number of experienced app developers at these Meetups who have given him wonderful advice and tips.

Shakked ended with a powerful statement: “At the end of the day, Shakd is a gimmicky kind of app that doesn’t really accomplish much. I’m much more interested in developing apps that benefit people and improve their lives.” He explained an idea of his for an app that would combine fitness and social networking that he thinks will encourage more people to be conscious of their fitness.

If you haven’t tried Shakd, it’s available now on the App Store, and has the potential to be hilarious!

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