The Stute
This past week I attended two of the bigger events on campus. One of them unites most organizations on campus to celebrate ethnic diversity and harmony, and the other one unites organizations on campus to cut budgets.
Stevens Shattering the Silence, one of the campus’ newest organizations, hosted an event titled “Stevens Fights Back” this past Thursday in Hayden Lounge.
Everyone gets warned about Senioritis. There are survival tips on WikiHow. There are informative Youtube videos. Look to the right side of this page – yes, even a whole column in The Stute named after the dreadful disease.
The CS Club at Stevens hosted its second Vim Day last Thursday in the Pierce building. The event was a four-hour session to introduce beginners to the Vim text editing software and how to harness its full potential.
It is finally nice outside on campus. Spring is here, birds are chirping, Frisbees are being thrown, and smiles are more present.
Those living in on-campus housing are all too familiar with unwarranted fire alarms. Recently though, there has been a spike in the number of these false alarms, with more than six just this week.
The Stevens chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers attended the annual Mid-Atlantic Regional conference at the University of Maryland, College Park this past weekend.
By Susana Restrepo
The Latin American Association held their 22 Bites Around the World event in Bissinger at 7 p.m. this past Friday.