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The Stute

Stevens Forensics Team forms

The Stevens Forensics Team held its first interest meeting last Wednesday in the Fielding Room on the third floor of the Howe Center.

MESA: Stevens’ newest ethnic organization

Stevens has a wide variety of different ethnic clubs and organizations. Among them are the Indian Undergraduate Association (IUA), Filipino Association of Stevens Tech.

When science gets personal

Assessing scientific claims is hard enough when you stick to empirical evidence. When personal factors intrude, which they invariably do, such assessments get even trickier.

WCPR loses equipment in power outage

Power was shut off in Davis and Hayden Halls as part of a scheduled outage on the morning of Saturday, October 31.

Empire 8 Championships on campus this weekend

This weekend Stevens is hosting the Empire 8 Championships in both women’s soccer and women’s volleyball. In addition, the majority of the fall sports teams are competing in or have competed in the Empire 8 Championships this year.

Compass One: worse than Sodexo?

Today, I fully came to understand something that I knew in my head, but never really thought about: Stevens Dining Services does not care about you.

The leaves of change

Ever since I was a young girl, I have always appreciated the subtle, or sometimes not so subtle, changes between summer and fall.