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The Stute

Girl boss: nature or nurture?

I come from a long line of girl bosses — that’s the best way to describe my family. My mom, her mom, and all the moms going back as far as memory goes have lived badass lives and raised their daughters to be the same.

Scheduling sadism

Let me set the stage. I just got back from a trip to Ohio (shoutout RHA!), and it was 8 p.m.

A Stevens Institute of Technology Christmas special (Part 1)

Once upon a time, on the brink of the freezing Hudson River, lived Atilla the Duck and his two alien friends, Spaghetti and Meatballs, who were planning on applying to Stevens in the near future in an interplanetary exchange student program.

Why do colleges invest in athletics?

Michigan vs. Ohio State, Bama vs. Auburn, Army vs. Navy — these are a few of the big college football rivalries played annually across the US.

It’s meat in a ball, do you really need a recipe?

Homemade meatballs are fantastic, cheap, and easy comfort food. Frozen meatballs have always confused me; it’s meat in a ball. You don’t have to be a professional to make a passable meatball.

Thanksgiving thoughts

I have a lot of opinions on Thanksgiving and the decent-sized holiday break that we get because of it. It is a rough break to navigate because there is so much to do, and you just do not have as much time as some of the longer breaks you get.

Lebanese Christmas

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I’ve never had Thanksgiving turkey before, told people why I’m thankful for them, or argued with my family members about Donald Trump over a drumstick (although I’d really like to engage in one of those debates).

Men’s Basketball hits a win streak

Men’s Basketball hit a four-win streak, following this 72-63 win over Rutgers-Newark on Sunday, November 26.

In the season-opening game against No.

Fencing rounds out their 2023 campaign

On Saturday, November 18, the men’s and women’s fencing teams attended the Columbia Invitational at Columbia University, where both teams faced tough challenges against their nationally ranked opponents.