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The Stute

E-Mail for Dummies

Maybe you’re a seasoned professional, maybe you’re a beginner, in either case you will have to learn some basic email etiquette.

Glass to be polished, shined so more birds die

Photo courtesy of Austin Schlake

Snevets’ campus is littered with countless avian corpses, consisting of more than 35 different unique flattened species.

Furniture shapes the future of performance

Despite being well into the 21st century, there have been few significant advancements in performing arts technology. However, senior Music & Technology student Jack Peters has achieved what many are hailing as the biggest breakthrough in the field.

Cloudy with a chance of conspiracy

Have you ever heard of silver iodide? It rings a bell, right? Well, that is because Snevets has the largest stockpile of silver iodide in the world and chooses to flaunt that fact on every tour they give.

I solved math! (NOT CLICKBAIT)

Some of my friends will ask me fairly often: “have you solved math yet?” If they ask me again in the coming days, I can confidently answer “YES!” 

Girls just want to have fun

When I was approached by The Stupe for the opportunity to 3peat in writing my annual rendition of the Girl Talk column, I couldn’t turn down the offer.

The keys to success

So obviously, you’re here reading because you want to hear all of the excellent advice I have to give, so this week is no exception: I will be revealing the keys to success, the secrets to how to succeed, or more precisely, how to get a solid Victory Royale in Fortnite.