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The Stute

Coping with Spring semester burnout

For whatever reason, and I know that at least people who I am close with agree, the spring semester is always so much more packed than the fall.

What does a math Ph.D. student actually do?

The title of this article is a question I usually get asked. Admittedly, it’s a hard question to answer briefly since a sentence like, “I take graduate-level courses to gain a general background in the subject and then conduct original research in mathematics in order to defend a thesis,” leads to many follow-up questions.

Beggars in Spain: Sci-fi gene editing from future’s past

Human genetics remains a largely unexplored frontier in which our dabbling becomes an ethical debate of playing God. Before CRISPR gene editing technology was mainstream, the 1993 sci-fi novel Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress is set between 2008 to the 2030s and offers social and ethical commentary on present-day genetic engineering.

Passing the torch

My term on the Stute E-Board has officially ended, and while I’m still involved as an editor, I get to watch the new leadership start to carve their paths.

Midtown: PATH to Grand Central

Although I am attending Stevens, I am actually from Connecticut (where I often have to defend against the armies of the New Jersians here in Hoboken).

Stute E-Board 2024-25!

Two weeks ago, The Stute held its E-board elections, where I was nominated for a second term as Editor-in-Chief. I’m super excited about this opportunity to learn from my last term and move forward with new goals.