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Posts published in “The Stupe”

ATTILA’S HOME LEAKED (not clickbait)

Hoboken’s housing market is always jumping, so The Stupe is here to let you know the best places to look for housing next year.

Per Stevens, ad Snevets

Being Editor-in-Chief is not an easy task. There are a lot of people to appease, such as fellow Stupers, Attila, Pearl from Pierce, the general student body — and a lot of people to make fun of, such as Pinnacle Scholars and IT, or, more specifically, the hamster running the WiFi on campus.

I’m so glad I came to Snevets!

During High School, I participated in several clubs, including Hockey, Robotics Club, and Intramural Lacrosse. It was a great time in my life, and it was so easy!

“University Towers” update

As if the current housing system wasn’t perfect enough, Snevets has announced a few updates regarding the “University Towers.” 

Due to arbitrary, unjustified uproar over this semester’s housing registration process, Snevets has decided to reset current housing assignments and add every applicant to an extensive waitlist.

From freshman to senior in 8 months

Hello fellow Snevets students and friends. I am writing as the most recent addition to the senior class of 2022. Due to my stellar performance in CAL 103, I was selected for a super secret test trial of a new academic program.

Please publish this

Ok, I need to be straight with you. As you can tell from the dramatic change of voice and direct nature of this article, I’m not the usual writer for Off the Press.