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What question should I ask this week?

Why is Ethan angry all the time?

Ethan: I’m not, just on Sunday evening when I have to answer your questions.

Claire: That’s a great question. I think he’s lonely. Every Sunday, I tell Ethan that it’s time to write our column and I watch a piece of his soul die. The anger he has in his heart started long ago and has nothing to do with me. 

Who asks these questions anyway?

Ethan: I honestly don’t know who writes these questions, but I do know that they suck. Consistently annoying or irrelevant questions that I wait as late as possible to answer which ultimately ends up ruining my weekend. 

Claire: No one asks the questions. I was supposed to set up a system for readers to ask us questions at the beginning of the year, but I forgot, so I just make up a random question each week. Ethan seems to hate the questions though, so I don’t have the courage to tell him it’s really me.

Wait, so who’s asking this question right now?

Claire: Also me. Everytime I write this column it’s just a conversation with myself.

Ethan: Don’t know, don’t care. 

Does Claire need help?

Ethan: Mind your own business, Claire can handle herself. 

Claire: Yes, someone, please. I’ve run out of questions to ask for this godforsaken column. My roommate, and EIC, Isabella Ziv gets mad if I turn in my articles late.

When will EIC Isabella Ziv let me out of my room?

Claire: I don’t know. Isy, please let me out. I’ve turned all my articles in on time this month. I’ll do anything.

Ethan: This one doesn’t apply to me, but Claire’s probably in the wrong here.

Disclaimer: this article is a part of The Stupe and is satire