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Posts published in “The Stupe”

Glass to be polished, shined so more birds die

Photo courtesy of Austin Schlake

Snevets’ campus is littered with countless avian corpses, consisting of more than 35 different unique flattened species.

3D Printed Blowjobs

Picture this: you’re stranded on a deserted desert island with nothing, and you can only have one thing with you. The answer is pretty clear; anyone in their right mind would opt for a single blowjob to help overcome the adversity of the situation.

E-Mail for Dummies

Maybe you’re a seasoned professional, maybe you’re a beginner, in either case you will have to learn some basic email etiquette.

Snevets to become an open container carry campus

Snevets has put out an official announcement stating that the campus will now be an open container campus. This means that the school is reverting back to its roots and is allowing alcohol consumption and the ability to carry alcohol freely on campus.

Freshman dorm review

Hi, I’m the freshman who is still wearing my Snevets keychain around my neck. I love wearing my dorm key like a necklace to assert dominance over those who have to walk more than five minutes to get to their classes.