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Posts published in “The Stupe”

Freshman dorm review

Hi, I’m the freshman who is still wearing my Snevets keychain around my neck. I love wearing my dorm key like a necklace to assert dominance over those who have to walk more than five minutes to get to their classes.

Notes from a daily Scrum

Editor’s note: This is documentation purporting to contain notes from a so-called “Scrum,” that arcane and masochistic ritual particular to certain breeds of software engineer.

iMessages going green: whole world in panic

In a shocking turn of events, Apple’s newest iOS update has switched the bubble message colors. Previously, when one iPhone user texted another iPhone user, the message bubble colors were blue.

Remember to come up with a question!!!

What are the best spots on campus to hang out?

Claire: Great question! There are so many great places to hang out around campus.

Snevets commencement to be virtual

As the commencement ceremony date quickly approaches 2024, the administration has released a concerning announcement for this upcoming spring: commencement will take place over Zoom this year following many issues in the past years and while letting graduating students reminiscent of their high school graduation over Zoom in the height of the pandemic. 

Snevet’s Students Red Flags

I am ever so proud to be a Snevets student, as our very lively atmosphere, social scene, and school spirit are always bolstering my pride!