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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

Stevens Planning Epic Party

In a surprise move after the raucous Halloween weekend just last week, President Farvardin announced that Stevens would be hosting an epic party in the coming weeks that would consume the entire campus.

Renaming != Rebranding

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” Or in this case, replace “a rose” with “Facebook” and “sweet” with “sour.” 

Apartment living

Something I have recently come to realize is that if I had not chosen to attend Stevens, it is very unlikely I’d be in the situation I am now—living in an apartment not owned by the school and not being on a meal plan.

Candy Cops

In light of the recent rumors regarding potential threats to students’ candy including people sneaking pretzels, pencils, pens, and other illegal candy cop-outs into trick-or-treat bags, Stevens has announced a mandatory candy inspection policy for all students.

How to make your Halloween costume sustainable

Spooky season is upon us! I love dressing up for Halloween just as much as the next gal. Halloween is an exciting chance for fashion conscious individuals to work their personal style into highly creative outlets.

Scary good food: Tricks for a tasty Halloween

Dr. Lecter ate liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti. Frank Thorn ate Soylent Green. Jaws ate the boat. Horror movies are positively epicurean!

Accessorizing in autumn

Now that we are officially in the swing of the fall season, we likely have our major wardrobe pieces established. My focus has slightly shifted to determine what accessories I need to work into my outfits this season to enhance my style.

Making time in a go-go-go-rush-rush-rush world

I have many a time heard upperclassmen remark, wistfully, that between academics, athletics/extracurriculars, a social life, and a consistent sleep schedule, you can only have three of the four at any given time in college.