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Posts published in “Past Opinion Columns”

What’s the best car movie?

This semester, I’ve had a little more time on my hands than I have in the past since I’m a senior and graduation is right around the corner.

Any advice to survive finals?


The end of the semester can definitely be a stressful time. Most of us are already neck-deep in final projects and studying for final exams.

Picking your battles

This piece is mostly coming from the (almost retired) student leader in me. Especially if you are balancing multiple leadership roles, this has to be the most important lesson.

Unconventional ways to have fun

Many people are not content with their lives because they want to have new ways to have fun. As the idea of fun becomes normal in American society, it becomes repetitive and boring to the point that what was originally seen as fun just becomes normal, dull, and boring.

Famous people that you didn’t know went to Stevens

Over the course of many years, ever since its founding in 1870, Stevens has been the place where many famous people came to study and learn about technology, like Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henry Gantt, Mark Crispin, Frederick Reines (wow, two Fredericks!),

Coping with Spring semester burnout

For whatever reason, and I know that at least people who I am close with agree, the spring semester is always so much more packed than the fall.

Standard wordplay

This column, Off The Press, is known for being very wacky and providing all kinds of humorous news pieces. However, for this issue, we decided to go back to a simpler time when jokes required a basic setup and punchline, looking at the way that manipulating words for humorous effect caused us to try to look at the world in a unique way.