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Posts published in “Op-Ed”

The legacy of Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne first made waves with her debut album Let Go in 2002 and her effects on the music industry are undeniable.

Stevens, other New Jersey colleges, and COVID

On August 4th of this year, I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Not even three weeks later, during my time on campus for Peer Leader training, I was exposed to COVID.

Dr. Nuran Kumbaraci’s perspectives on online learning

Doctor Nuran Kumbaraci, adored Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, has been teaching at Stevens for years but has since taken the Fall 2021 semester off from teaching.

The essay: Thoughts on school applications

It was November of 2018. I was working on my application for graduate programs. Seven tabs on Google Chrome were open — three of which belonged to the universities I was interested in, two of them were dedicated to the courses offered.

Letter from the Copy Editor

Hello! Frequent readers of The Stute might not recognize my name as a typical staff writer — I’ve been the Head Copy Editor for the past four years, editing in the shadows fixing Oxford commas, sentences that are just not quite right, and cases of oh no no no how on earth do I fix this fueled by Pepsi and cold pizza in three different Stute offices until the wee hours of the morning.

Stevens partners with CDC for MASCUP! study

Stevens was one of 53 universities across the country to participate in the Center for Disease Control’s mask surveillance study titled MASCUP!