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Posts published in “Op-Ed”

A time to reflect

Over a decade ago, you had your first day of school. You got up early and hopped on a bus or in your mom’s ’95 Plymouth and fell asleep en route to kindergarten.

A critique on student maturity

I may not be a bus driver, and I know that I have ridiculed them in the past for being lunatic drivers, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect them.

Who has it tougher?

A non-engineer gives her perspective

Often when on campus, I hear students discussing how the difficulty of their majors. Some say, “biomedical engineers have to take Organic Chemistry and Calculus Four.”

What exactly is an engineer?

A non-engineer gives her perspective

67% of Stevens’ student body consists of engineers.
There are chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, biomedical engineers, and many more.