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Posts published in “Not Financial Times (NFT)”

Not Financial Times (NFT) is an Opinion column to share insights and research into students’ favorite companies, industry trends, and anything in financial markets that really irks their curiosity.

The economic implications of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

While headlines the last few weeks have been dominated by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the tumultuous history between the two nations has long been on display.

Back to the fundamentals: Part ???

One of the biggest questions for many investors this year is whether or not Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency will “go to the moon,” whether or not we should start taking investments in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and Web3 seriously.

Death, taxes, and a soaring wealth gap

We all know the famous saying by Benjamin Franklin, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” But what is less commonly known is the historical relationship between death and taxes, as well as the macroeconomic and societal implications of said relationship. 

Taking a crystal clear stand

It’s been more than a month since I wrote my last column on the irony of investing in “responsible” companies. As an investor or just a college kid paging through the news, it helps to look at whether or not institutions are really walking the walk when it comes to climate change.