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Posts published in “Mind of a Freshman”

Mind of a Freshman is an Opinion column written by one or two first-year Stevens students to discuss life experiences during their time at Stevens, and other related subject matter.

There and back again

Read Keenan Yates' first Mind of a Freshman column of the semester.

The types of people you’ll find in quarantine

Now that we’ve been out of school for a while, people have begun to fall into their personal Quarantine Routines. There are quite a few interesting people you’ll come across (six feet away, of course) while we’re still in lockdown, so I thought I’d save some time and break it down for you.

How social media ruined dating

Much as I hate to admit it, one of the things I’ve started doing to waste time during quarantine is watching trashy television.

How coronavirus is going to change our generation for the better

As I sat down to write this column, trapped in my house and still feeling the sting of the email that Stevens sent out last week solidifying the rest of our semester online, I struggled to find anything to say about this whole ordeal.