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Posts published in “For Math’s Sake”

Trick-or-treat with graph theory

Trick-or-treating was my favorite part of Halloween growing up. I loved to walk around, see other people’s costumes, and collect a hearty stock of candy to eat over the next few months.

Pendulum painting: a capriole with chaos

I was very excited earlier this week to receive a suggestion from one of my good friends about what to write for this column.

The prisoner’s dilemma is not just about prisoners

Human interaction and decision-making are challenging to quantify. When we think about all the factors that play into a decision or encounter between groups of people—each person’s motivations, the amount of information each person holds, the cooperation between different people involved—the system quickly becomes a vast complex of inputs and outputs, with no clear function on how to get from one to the other.  

No fib: The Fibonacci Sequence is cool

Patterns pop up all the time in nature, and they are typically very appealing to us. From appreciating the look of a flower to enjoying the tidiness of one’s room, order and structure are pleasing to the eye and soothing to the brain.