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Posts published in “For Math’s Sake”

(An attempt at) doing justice to statistics

For those who followed the escape and eventual capture of the convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante over the past couple of weeks, you were in for a crime documentary playing out in real-time.

Mathematics’ social dilemma

I recently watched The Social Dilemma, a documentary that dissects the darker aspects of social media platforms and similar tech mega-services like Google and YouTube.

The Innovation Expo: A good day for math!

Today marks the 2023 Innovation Expo, a culmination of sorts for the seniors at Stevens who have worked for the past school year on design or thesis projects.

Is category theory relevant to our daily lives Categorically!

While I was traveling for the holidays this past weekend, I listened to several episodes of “The Joy of Why?” podcast, which explores new and revolutionary ideas or advances in mathematics and the sciences.

Climate modeling: a larger-scale capriole with chaos

Over the past weekend, extreme weather events across the continental United States abounded, from a blizzard and flooding in and around Los Angeles to record high temperatures for February in Florida and other parts of the Southeast.

The mathematics of love

This past Tuesday marked another Valentine’s Day, an exciting but also fairly stressful holiday due to the expectations it seems to set on love and relationships.

The app sampler, pt. II: and now I wait

This past Saturday, I hit the submit button on all my applications for Ph.D. programs in mathematics. I ended up applying to five schools, which was narrowed down from the 10 or so schools I had on the shortlist for much of the fall semester.

The tricky mathematics of ice skating

One of the difficult aspects of mathematics is that it often scales poorly with the complexity of the problem. Math is great when there are relatively few variables and nice functions (for instance, continuous and differentiable functions) involved.

The Ising model: from electrons to elections

With the 2022 midterms being held on Tuesday, I wanted to write an article connecting mathematics to election modeling. What first came to mind was the statistics of polls and how predictions on election outcomes are made prior to the actual counting of the votes.