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Posts published in “Book of the Week”

Book of the Week is an Opinion culture column created by Keenan Yates ‘23 used to give weekly book recommendations in the form of short blurbs and reviews.

The book you read when preparing for spooky season

To give you a scare for this spooky weekend, here lies Pet Sematary by Stephen King. Dr. Louis Creed takes a new job in Ludlow, Maine, and moves with his family.

The book you read for a gripping tale of survival in space

One barren planet, one fierce storm, and one stranded astronaut with a hilarious sense of humor and resourcefulness. Mix these three together and say hello to your next must read science fiction novel—Andy Weir’s The Martian

The book you read when you realize that life is a finite thing

If you knew your time on earth was almost over, what wisdom would you choose to impart to the world? Randy Pausch, after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, pondered this thoughtful question in The Last Lecture.