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The book you read when you want a timeless and classic romance novel

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” So starts one of Jane Austen’s most well known novels, Pride and Prejudice, which was first published in 1813 and since 1938 has a total of seventeen movie adaptations. 

Having so many movie adaptations, it should come as no surprise that the inspiration for all of them is a great piece of literature. What makes Pride and Prejudice such a fantastic read is that two centuries later the characters are still relatable, the jokes are still funny, and the character development is still great! Pride and Prejudice is truly a timeless novel; within its pages you will find yourself transported back in time to early nineteenth century England where courting was still a thing and women’s rights were not. The iconic Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist, navigates English society and matchmaking season alongside her four sisters, all under the watch of their very lively mother, Mrs. Bennet. At the same time the nearby wealthy bachelors Mr. Bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy are also on the search for the perfect partner and, well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out what happens next!

Book of the Week is an Opinion culture column written and created by Keenan Yates
‘24 used to give weekly book recommendations in the form of short blurbs and reviews.

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