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Posts published in “The Doodling Duck”

The Doodling Duck is an Opinion culture column written and created by Pooja Rajadurai to discuss art as it relates to pop culture, trends, and students.

My first concert

For a moment, you’re suspended in space and time. The lights are flashing, the crowd is roaring, the musician is playing the song you know and love; you feel your friends’ excitement as palpably as rain drops on a hot summer evening, and for a brief moment, you notice yourself amongst a sea of people as though you have stepped outside the limits of your own body.

One big pattern

Recently I got into a conversation about the ubiquity of art compared to math. A few years ago, I would have vehemently vouched for art.

A changing relationship with art in the digital era

Being at home for the past year and counting the days has sucked. Like, really sucked. But I can tell you I have never been so motivated to go out and cross off all the things that I have since added to my Bucket List, starting with experiencing immersive art exhibits.

Digital art or digital scam?

My mom likes to read a lot of news. Grappling with the passing of her mother, my grandmother, from a few months ago, she has found it especially hard to connect with her immediate surroundings and so looks to the news to provide herself with some sort of connection to the world around her, lest it leaves her behind.

Let me be a woman and an artist

Netflix recently released a new movie called Moxie which follows a teenage girl who starts a feminist revolution in her school.

Representation in cartoons

I like to make a practice of forming opinions on as many socio-economic/socio-political issues around me as possible. Firstly, for the reason that having an educated opinion on a matter can serve as an easy benchmark to measure one’s own awareness of the topic, and secondly, for the reason that it allows me to have more conversations with people well-versed on the subject.

On doodling and postmodernism

I would call myself a doodler. Too consistent in drawing and painting efforts over the years to truly be called a beginner — but not skilled, nor even interested in my artistic ventures enough to call myself an artist.

Anime brought me love… for anime

Quarantine brought many new interests into our lives. For some people, it may have been embroidery or reading. For others, it might have been baking desserts or skateboarding.

The line between art and cultural appropriation

One of my favorite things about Instagram is the amount of creative content one can find at any time: the work of graphic designers, calligraphers, poets, painters, or illustrators.

The iOS update isn’t really an update

Quarantine has done a wonderful job of releasing our inner chefs, artists, craftsmen, and musicians. Most recently, following the release of the iOS 14 update on Apple devices, we can also add graphic designer to the list.