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Posts published in “The Doodling Duck”

The Doodling Duck is an Opinion culture column written and created by Pooja Rajadurai to discuss art as it relates to pop culture, trends, and students.

Aesthetics & architecture: the dining halls

The vibe, comfort, and different feelings of college can be a lot, yet the random things stick out to me, and taking note of it all has been fun.

Banksy vs Hektad?

This past weekend, I joined my friend on a walk across Manhattan. It was an amazing experience, even if my feet would tell you otherwise at the end of our seven-hour trek.

Breaking Down: using music to help when breaking down

When coming back from visiting my family this summer, we had a 9 hour flight ahead

of us. I was not too worried about anything as I had borrowed a pair of pretty good headphones and did not care for any of the other factors.


All too frequently, the college grind weighs down on our mental health, and prioritizing self-care, investigating new and necessary creative outlets, or just taking a moment to meditate, become cumbersome tasks that are difficult to squeeze in between academics, extracurriculars, social obligations, and of course, eating/sleeping/taking showers.

The top 4 paintings I would eat

Have you ever been in a museum, already gotten your steps in for the day, and yet still be galleries away from the food court?

What’s in a color?

I recently participated in Hoboken’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities, and rarely have I seen such commitment to theme and style as my peers exhibited on Saturday.

Will you wear Red or Blue today?

My favorite book of all time, unequivocally, must be Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. Having picked it up sometime in the height of my journey into classical literature at the ripe age of 11, I have read and reread this marvelous piece of American literature multiple times since.

Crocheting for climate change

If anyone asked me to describe myself in one word, I would say, “curious.” It doesn’t take much incentive for me to become interested in most subjects.

Art is in the eye of the artist

A few weeks ago, myself and my friends visited the Chelsea art galleries in New York City, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. 

The shapes in Squid Game

Recently I started watching the Netflix original, Squid Game. Intrigued by the viral TikTok Dalgona Candy Challenge, my friends and I decided to watch the Netflix original which, in my humble opinion, lives up to the hype.