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Posts published in “State Affairs”

Holland Tunnel’s N.J.-bound lanes are closing overnight for 2 years

Hurricane Sandy is a distant memory for most students here at Stevens. Because the storm was so long ago, it was surprising when it was announced that on February 5, for two years, the Holland Tunnel is to be closed six nights a week to conduct repairs and renovations to fix the damage done by the storm and update the existing infrastructure as well.

Groundhog sees shadow

The groundhog has spoken: six more weeks of winter!

Every February 2 on Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania emerges from his hole to predict the fate of our next few weeks.

Holiday events light up New Jersey and New York

The height of the holiday season is almost here, and both Stevens students and Hoboken residents are heralding it by putting out the last of the decorations, pulling out the heavy winter clothing, and getting ready for a robust slate of local events and celebrations.

New bill hopes to codify Central Jersey

The New Jersey Legislature has recently introduced a bill that would officially recognize one of the most controversial parts of the state, Central Jersey.