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Posts published in “Features”

Lenore Schupak, the first woman to graduate Stevens

In 1971, Stevens accepted their first class of female students. Three years later, nineteen-year-old Lenore Schupak, one of the first 18 women to attend Stevens, graduated with a Bachelors of Applied Science.

Sororities at Stevens philanthropy spotlight

When women first enrolled at Stevens in 1971, there were no sanctioned sororities. Fraternities on campus instead had “little sister” groups with which they partnered for social and service purposes, although the women were never given membership.

COVID-19 and the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has no doubt changed the way we work. From our actual workload to our commute, the pandemic has influenced every facet of our work experience.

Stevens’ music artists arise out of COVID

This article was written by Trevor Dameika and Tasha Khosla.

After the onset of COVID-19, concerts and other music events were put on hold indefinitely.

Newly formed bands at Stevens

Hoboken’s roots in the music scene came from the iconic venue Maxwell’s, which peaked in popularity in the ‘80s and ‘90s and closed for the second time in February 2018.

Phoneboy: A Stevens prodigy

Phoneboy, a band with millions of streams on Spotify and many fans, first sprouted at Stevens. Their first performance of their hit song “Acid Girl” was performed in front of Walker Gymnasium on June 4, 2018, while their most recent performance of this song was on tour with the popular band, The Happy Fits at the end of 2021.