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Posts published in “Features”

Meet the students who are first in class

Marco Polimeni

Pronouns: he/him

College/school and major/minors: I was a part of SES for my major in computer science.

Plans after graduation: After I graduate, I will intern with Amazon this summer as a Software Development Engineer Intern, followed by returning to receive a degree through Stevens AMP in computer science with a certificate in machine learning.

SAVE upholds sustainability at Stevens

Stevens’ Sustainability, Activism, Volunteering, & Engineering (SAVE) was founded in 2013 with the purpose of combining “the knowledge, skills, and experience of the Stevens community to promote engineering solutions for social, environmental, and economic problems, on campus and in the local community” through continuing projects and initiatives.

The impacts of environmental injustice

Environmental injustice or racism refers to institutional, government, and/or corporate regulations or policies that result in certain communities being disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards.

“Hold on to your bright-eyed optimism about climate change”

From not finding regular produce at stores to annual financial reports by big corporations about how much carbon credits they bought, we have become more serious about how to improve our actions to help the environment.

Techfest aims to be sustainable

Techfest is an annual festival organized by the Entertainment Committee (EC) that brings popular music artists to Stevens. For the past few years, dozens of music festivals around the world have been making efforts to promote sustainability as these types of festivals tend to produce tons of waste.

Ecosia: the search engine that plants trees

What if we could plant tree saplings while working on our assignments? While this sounds too good to be true, the idea became possible through a search engine, Ecosia.

Dorm options at Stevens

Stevens has a variety of housing options for incoming first-year students, and each hall has its unique benefits and detractions. There are a few common amenities in each hall, including free laundry facilities and available kitchen spaces in each dorm.