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Meet the students who are first in class

Marco Polimeni

Pronouns: he/him

College/school and major/minors: I was a part of SES for my major in computer science.

Plans after graduation: After I graduate, I will intern with Amazon this summer as a Software Development Engineer Intern, followed by returning to receive a degree through Stevens AMP in computer science with a certificate in machine learning.

Advice for underclassmen: Pick a time late in the day, for me it was after I ate dinner, when you won’t do any schoolwork for the rest of the night, no matter what. Take the remaining hours in your day to go to a club, meet with friends, watch some television to wind down, or, if you have absolutely nothing better to do, get some extra sleep. Being a full-time student means you must put in a lot of effort to have any work-life balance, since there is always an assignment to work on, but leaving this time for yourself allows you to focus on all the amazing, fun things that college has to offer you.

Christopher Musante

Pronouns: he/him

College/school and major/minors: Schaefer School of Engineering & Science and Civil Engineering

Plans after graduation: After Stevens I will be joining Stantec as a Civil Designer in the Transportation Industry, where I will be specializing in highway design. I worked with Stantec over 5 separate internships/Co-Op terms and love what I do. I plan to become a licensed professional engineer within the next few years.

Advice for underclassmen: The professors here at Stevens are always willing to help, so never be afraid to ask questions. You’d be surprised by how much more you could learn, and it will help you in the long run. Also, take advantage of what Stevens has to offer, especially the Co-Op Program and Study Abroad. You won’t regret it!

Additional comments/thoughts: I owe much of my achievement to my parents (Michelle and Tony) for all of their support. I truly enjoyed my time at Stevens and believe that the Civil Department here is unmatched, including the professors, administrators, advisors, and of course my fellow classmates. I am very grateful to have worked with Dr. Leslie Brunell, Liz O’Connell, and of course Dr. Sophia Hassiotis. It’s very bittersweet to be graduating, but I’m excited to see everyone succeed in their careers!

Elizabeth Chu

Pronouns: she/her/hers

College/school and major/minors: I was part of the school of science and engineering majoring in Chemical Biology and minoring in Marketing.

Plans after graduation: After Stevens, I am working as a medical scribe at a urology private practice in my year off as I apply to medical school.

Advice for underclassmen: My advice for underclassmen is to take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you. Be the first one to volunteer and put yourself out there because that is how you make connections, build meaningful relationships, and find the confidence inside yourself to keep growing!

Additional comments/thoughts: Overall, I’ve had such a wonderful four years at Stevens and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Julia Dwight

Pronouns: she/her

College/school and major/minors: I am in the School of Business majoring in Business and Technology with concentrations in Marketing and Information Systems.

Plans after graduation: After Stevens, I plan on starting a career in marketing and data analytics.

Advice for underclassmen: I know it sounds stereotypical, but join clubs! You’ll learn the most about yourself and your leadership style by being involved on campus. It’s also the best way to meet people outside of your major.

Rocco Polimeni

Pronouns: he/him

College/school and major/minors: Schaefer School of Engineering & Science and Computer Science

Plans after graduation: Summer: Software Development Engineering Intern at Amazon (AWS team in NYC). Fall: AMP @ Stevens (Masters of Science in Machine Learning)

Advice for underclassmen: Get involved! The best part about college is meeting other students and the easiest and most effective way to do this is through joining organizations or just simply finding ways to get your name and face out there on campus.

Grant Simmons

Pronouns: he/him

College/school and major/minors: Schaefer School of Engineering & Science and B.E. in Computer Engineering, with a concentration in Computer Architecture

Plans after graduation: Immediately after graduating, I plan to head out into the wilderness of Maine, exploring the rivers and coastal islands in my sea kayak. In August, I will be joining a new Silicon Design team at AMD’s Boston Design Center, helping design the next generation of high-performance microprocessors.

Advice for underclassmen: Stop waiting for the “right time” to pursue your interests. There will never be a better time than your time at Stevens to try the things you’ve been waiting to try—to find your real passions. In the same vein, don’t wait until you’re “qualified” or “have the right knowledge” to start chasing your dreams. You’re at Stevens. You’re clever. You’ll figure it out. And call your family. They miss you!

Additional comments/thoughts: For the students looking for co-ops and internships: One of the most challenging parts of my education was finding co-op opportunities that I felt I would really enjoy. It’s never too early to start applying to the co-ops you dream of. If you’re not interested in the opportunities that you’re finding through Stevens, mix it up! Don’t hesitate to apply directly to specific companies, locations, or roles you’re interested in, even if you feel you’re underqualified. Some of the best decisions I made were my decisions to move across the country for my co-ops after applying to roles I felt severely underqualified for.

If you can, use the opportunity to discover something new, whether it’s a new field of study, a new location, or something new about yourself. While college is the time to learn about your interests, I found that it was also the best time to learn about myself.

Gil Gerard Austria

Pronouns: He/Him/His

College/school and major/minors: I’m graduating from the College of Engineering and Science. My major is Computer Science and my Minor is Quantitative Finance

Plans after graduation: After graduation I am completing my Master’s Degree at Stevens through the 4+1 Program. My Master’s degree is a Master of Science in Machine Learning.

Advice for underclassmen: My advice for underclassmen would be to Study Abroad/Intern Abroad if at all possible. I think it’s the best way to complete their humanities requirements (or even some core requirements) and to begin building their resume. It’s an extremely valuable and unique opportunity that really opens a lot of doors for you. For one, interning abroad personally gave me a massive edge when I was applying to my first COOP Internship. I was able to Intern Abroad in South Korea the summer after my Freshmen year, and it helped me a lot for applying for my COOP at TD Ameritrade, so much so that they had extended an offer to me on the spot after my interview with them ended.  When I studied abroad in London the next summer I was able to complete a humanities requirement and a core requirement. I’ve also made some amazing lifelong friends both from Stevens and from around the world while traveling. Traveling by yourself, meeting people abroad, and immersing yourself in another culture is an enlightening, refreshing, maturing, and empowering experience. The freedom you feel while abroad and the freshness of being in a new place are something everyone should experience as soon as they can.

Boris Tzankov

Pronouns: He/Him

College/school and major/minors: School of Science. Major in Mathematics, Minor in Computer Science

Plans after graduation: Pursuing a master’s degree

Advice for underclassmen: Don’t stress out too much. Also try not to procrastinate too much

Audrey Azeez

Pronouns: she/her

College/school and major/minors: I am a part of the Schaefer school of engineering. I am getting my degree in biomedical engineering.

Plans after graduation: After Stevens, I will be working as a research engineer at Acuitive Technologies, which is an orthopedic medical device company up in Allendale, NJ.

Advice for underclassmen: My advice to undergrads is to always be open to new opportunities and to never take your education for granted. I know sometimes classes can feel irrelevant/unimportant, but this is your opportunity to learn as much as possible and explore what you love in your field.

Additional comments/thoughts: Overall, I am grateful for the BME faculty at Stevens for preparing me for my career out of college. 4 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing and if engineering was even right for me, but I learned a lot about myself along the way.

Kaitlyn Sharo

Pronouns: She/her

College/school and major/minors: School of engineering and sciences (I think?) with a major in cybersecurity.

Plans after graduation: After Stevens I will be working full time at CACI as a software engineer.

Advice for underclassmen: You’re about to start a 4 year journey towards getting a degree. It may seem like that is your end-goal here, but there is so much more than that. Every day you are here, learn who you are, take risks, and never forget the things that matter most. Make new friends, call your parents, and remember that someday soon, your grades will no longer matter and you’ll both regret and laugh at how much you stressed over passing that test. The relationships you sustain and the memories you make will never leave you, so work hard and do your best, but never let go of what matters most to you.

Lauren Chew

Pronouns: she/her

College/school and major/minors: I’m part of SES and SSE. I’m majoring in chemical engineering for undergrad and engineering management for my masters.

Plans after graduation: I will be working at Merck as part of the Technical Operations Rotational Program.

Advice for underclassmen: My advice would be to challenge yourself to do new things 🙂

Kyle Neville

Pronouns: He/Him

College/school and major/minors: School of Business, Major in Accounting & Analytics

Plans after graduation: After graduation I will be working as a Technology Assurance Audit Associate at KPMG

Advice for underclassmen: Get involved in a host of clubs and activities early in your time at Stevens. This is the best way to discover your niche, try something unfamiliar, and meet new people. Also, never turn down the opportunity to go on a hike!

Additional comments/thoughts: I’ve had a great experience at Stevens, and I know my time here has prepared me well for the future.

Kaylee Gardner

Pronouns: she/her/hers

College/school and major/minors: I was part of the Stevens School of Business, and I got my degree in Business & Technology with concentrations in Marketing and Information Systems.

Plans after graduation: Well, I finished up my undergraduate degree in the Fall and so this past Spring I was a full-time graduate student working towards my M.B.A. with a concentration in Business Intelligence & Analytics. So after graduation I plan to finish up my graduate degree here at Stevens and then see where my professional career takes me after that!

Advice for underclassmen: My advice for underclassmen would just be to remember that they are human-beings first and students/professionals second. I’ve been surrounded by a lot of really determined and high-achieving people at Stevens which has been great, but sometimes I think we lose track of how important it is to take care of ourselves, and to take care of our friends too. If you need help, ask for it. I never used to ask for help and I regret that. We all deserve help.

Additional comments/thoughts: My only remaining comment is that I really want to thank my family (my mom Lesley, my dad Greg, and my two brothers Conner and Logan) for all their support throughout college. I’m more than lucky to have all of them.

Jenna Pralat

Pronouns: She/Her

College/school and major/minors: Part of the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science, Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and my major is Chemical Biology

Plans after graduation: I am staying at Stevens for 1 more semester to finish my masters (also in chemical biology) and then I am going to pursue my PhD

Advice for underclassmen: My advice for underclassmen would be to put yourself out there and pursue every opportunity you can. College is filled with chances, but you have to go after them.

Additional comments/thoughts: Don’t really have many overall comments/thoughts. I am just grateful for the professors and faculty that have helped me, and will miss all of my classmates. The best part about Stevens is the people, and I will miss seeing the friends I’ve made everyday.

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