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Posts published in “University Affairs”

Provost Christophe Pierre announces decision to step down

Pictured above is Provost Christophe Pierre who will step down from his position in August 2021. Photo courtesy of

On September 15 an email announcement from President Nariman Farvardin was sent to all students, faculty, and staff, stating Provost Christophe Pierre’s decision to step down at the end of his five-year term, which will conclude August 2021.

Stevens implements fall semester plan

The new semester has begun and, like the rest of the world, Stevens has undergone major changes to remain operational this fall.

With pandemic looming, 2020 Commencement postponed

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be prevalent everyday, many schools and universities are making decisions to postpone certain activities. On April 21, Stevens announced that the 2020 Commencement ceremony was postponed from the original date of May 20 to October 17.

Stevens hopes for a normal fall semester

While world leaders and medical professionals debate how much longer people across the globe must continue to practice social distancing measures and shelter at home, Stevens is hopeful that the student body will return to campus for the fall semester.

Impact of COVID-19 on undergraduate admissions

With the impact of COVID-19, there have been numerous steps taken across Stevens to reduce the impacts of the virus, most notably the switch to moving services online.