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Posts published by “Soleil Santana”

Soleil Santana is a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major at Stevens. She has been a member of The Stute since Spring 2020 and currently writes and pitches articles for the Science beat. Soleil is curious about new and emerging works in science and technology, and is pursuing the field of aerospace engineering for her studies.

The science of love

Flushed cheeks, sweaty palms, increased libido, giddiness, or the need to cuddle up with someone special? Love has always felt like an inexplicable, mysterious force rooted in the heart.

A glimpse at potential COVID-19 vaccines

On April 12, 2020, the World Health Organization shared a public declaration regarding a cooperative effort between scientists, physicians, funders, and manufacturers to develop a COVID-19 vaccine.

Commuting through COVID-19

On March 1, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed New York’s first case of COVID-19. Four days later, Fort Lee Mayor Mark J.

How to read nerve signals with nanotech

At the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science, Ph.D. student Robert Bauer has been conducting research in the applications of micro- and nanotechnologies for the last three years.