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Posts published by “Namankita Rana”

Passionate about technology, women's issues, art, fashion, and global politics. Though maybe not in that exact order.

Fashion, Fear, and Fantasy

I really love fashion. Not in a I-love-looking-pretty-all-the-time kind of way. It’s a I-will-review-fashion-week-shows-and-run-commentary-on-new-collections-to-anyone-who-will-listen-to-me kind of way. I view fashion as an art form as much as a commercial endeavor, and I’ve never made a secret of it.

Now what?

This was a very difficult column to write.

I feel like I say that about nearly every piece I write, and while each one is a challenge in its own right, this is different.

On grief and gratitude

"I’ve always thought Thanksgiving was just a little bit tacky. Sorry, but it is."

On finding your path

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to attend a short talk from a very interesting woman.

She was everything anyone could ever aspire to be — smart, talented, successful.

In Defense of Doing Things Alone

This time last Friday, I went into New York City alone, as I’ve done dozens of times these past four years.

What are you worth?

Namankita Rana offers advice to anyone struggling.

The Illusion of Individual Knowledge

Hubris always seems ridiculous, until it’s our own. So here’s mine: I think I know everything. Honestly.

What I don’t know, I assume I can look up or figure out, somehow.

On coping

When I’m good, I’m good. But when I’m low, I really hit low.

As in obsessive, impulsive, can’t-shut-my-brain-off low.

The last two weeks of my life were a bit rough for me, to put it gently.

Politically engaged? Try perpetually tired

Confession: I don’t regularly keep up with world events anymore.

Someone at work once asked me where I got my daily news from.