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Posts published by “Nicole Cheung”

Freshman anecdotes: rabies scare

It was around 1 a.m. and I was walking around the back of Pi Kitchen with a friend. I stumbled across a little furry blob on the floor and got down on the ground to look at it.

Where am I?

We’re in that awkward part of the semester where classes are having their final tests before actual finals, you’re being forced to speak to people you haven’t talked to all semester for a project, and your four overdue assignments are lingering over your head.

Putting on a show

I have a very special connection with this year’s musical, The Addams Family, as do many of my other cast members.

First-year freaky food combos

As first-years, we are between the crossroads of an unlimited meal plan and the urge to illegally cook food in our dorms.

My room

Davis Hall might seem like a roach-infested, old, thin-walled dumpster fire (and it is), but it’s my dumpster fire. This place will always be my first home, or the first place I’ve lived without my parents.

Hinge hell

I, like many other newly 18-year-olds, downloaded a dating app. While bad profiles and typo-laden cringe messages served as my entertainment for a while, I’ve realized that this app indicates a larger problem in my life.

2023 Wrapped

This year has been imperfect and chaotic, and the biggest changes of my eighteen-year-old life have happened within these twelve months.

Scheduling sadism

Let me set the stage. I just got back from a trip to Ohio (shoutout RHA!), and it was 8 p.m.

Dear best friend

For context, this is about my best friend who’s attending another college right now. We met as kids on my first competitive swim team.

Spooky season

I sometimes say I can smell the seasons coming. The smell of decaying leaves wafts through the streets, and the 65-degree air permeates my nostrils and the stitches in my $19.99 Marshalls sweater.