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Where am I?

We’re in that awkward part of the semester where classes are having their final tests before actual finals, you’re being forced to speak to people you haven’t talked to all semester for a project, and your four overdue assignments are lingering over your head. I’ve kinda been thinking to myself, there’s no way I don’t have ADHD. Like, it’s so intensely hard to concentrate on anything. Like I’ve really tried everything: throwing my phone across the room, complete silence, classical/calming music, background noise, studying with friends, sitting alone, and nothing works. 

I have this intense need to be busy all the time, so I joined a lot of clubs to take up my time, and it worked for a bit. But now that the musical season and my sorority intake process are over, I find myself feeling empty and useless. I was distracted by a lot of things, and now that my academics are my only thing to focus on, I’m feeling kind of directionless because I just don’t see the point of it all. I’ve never been the smartest or the dumbest. Just kinda in the middle, but I just have to try harder than most people. I’m feeling super unmotivated to do anything, really, and everything is so tiring. Sorry for the kind of depressing life update this week, but I wanted to write something as my opportunities to write in this column dwindle down. See you all in two weeks for hopefully a better article!