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Posts published by “Joana Fardad”

Summer 2020 semester to take place online

No, this is not an April Fools’ joke. As of today, Provost Christophe Pierre sent an email announcing that all classes for both Summer I and Summer II sessions will be online.

Sixth COVID-19 Case at Stevens

Photo courtesy of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of Sunday, March 29, 2020, there are now six official COVID-19 cases at Stevens.

What’s the deal: novel coronavirus and Hoboken

The novel coronavirus continues to move quickly throughout the globe as nations on several continents continue to intensify their efforts to contain the epidemic and avoid the ongoing panic from their citizens.

What’s the new tea? Humans of Stevens

At the beginning of the semester, a new Instagram page appeared called humansofstevens. Unlike the popular tea pages revealing the hidden gossip on campus, this account has a different approach: It posts a sometimes candid and always beautiful photo of a student, captioned with a joyful, intimate quote about their life.

Bid Night goes dry

No fraternity can hold an event with alcohol for tonight’s Bid Night festivities, changing a years-long tradition for the Greek community.

Tips to cut those college costs

One word that is most commonly associated with college is money. College requires payment to cover the costs of almost every aspect of a student’s time on campus, from the room and board, textbooks, and meal plans to the miscellaneous expenses you find yourself having throughout the year.


It is almost that time of the year, Stevens! Commencement is right around the corner, and this year will mark Stevens Institute of Technology’s 147th Commencement Ceremony.