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What’s the deal: novel coronavirus and Hoboken

The novel coronavirus continues to move quickly throughout the globe as nations on several continents continue to intensify their efforts to contain the epidemic and avoid the ongoing panic from their citizens.

As of two days ago, cases of the coronavirus have appeared in the state of New Jersey. Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla sent an email to residents to make them aware of precautions that should be taken and the efforts being made by the City of Hoboken to be as efficient as possible during this time.

Leo Pellegrini, Director of the Hoboken Health Department, claimed that the City of Hoboken’s response to the coronavirus is establishing a task force with the Health Department, the Office of Emergency Management, and the fire department to make sure that everyone is on the same page with regard to monitoring the situation. Pellegrini wants to make sure that the City of Hoboken is proactively educating the public to make sure that they know what the task force is doing.

When asked about what would happen if someone contracted a case of novel coronavirus in Hoboken, Pellegrini said that the hospital would have to communicate that with the health departments; furthermore, they would ensure that those who contract the virus are quarantined.

As for Stevens students, Pellegrini emphasized the importance of getting vaccinated and keeping up good hygiene. Make sure to continue washing your hands. If you do not have sanitizer, wash your hands with warm water. It is essential that you continue to wash your hands and stay clean. Keep your mouth covered when coughing or sneezing. If you are sick, do not go to campus or class where other students can get infected. Bottom line: if you are sick you should not be around people.

Currently, there have been no major changes with respect to the virus and the City of Hoboken. The people of Hoboken should not be panicking, but should continue to follow the guidance offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New Jersey Department of Health.

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