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Posts published by “Ian Marcellana”

This is what being a senior feels like

This is it folks; one more semester left for the old timers here at the Old Stone Mill. By the time you read this, there will be a little over 100 days left in our time here at Stevens as an undergrad or graduate student.

Go out for a drink

Alcohol is something that has been talked about in my life since I was a young boy. In fifth grade, we had a local police officer tell us about the dangers of drugs and alcohol in the Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, program.

Senior design: the academic Superbowl

As a senior, the biggest thing that has been on my mind is Senior Design. It has been non-stop hustle and bustle going from meeting to meeting and trying to figure out what exactly is going to be at our table in April.

Advice: take it or leave it

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had no idea what to do or where to go? If you haven’t, then you are an android and I bow down to you.

Freshmen need help

We are more than halfway through the semester and there are plenty of things that I have yet to cover in Senioritis.

It’s gotten better

My fellow seniors, most of us have been here at Stevens for three to four years. We have seen many things change.

A distracted college student and his friend walk into a church

I was raised in a Catholic household, like many other children in a predominately Irish Catholic town. I pray three Hail Marys and Our Fathers before I leave my room every morning and try to go to mass every Sunday.

Do it now.

When you were a small child in (insert hometown here), did you ever think of what you wanted to be when you grew up?

I guess I just miss my friend

I have a friend named Matt Healey. We became friends in high school and would see each other regularly either in concert choir or in the theatre during rehearsal.

What is your mission statement?

I was taking part in an interview with a new member of Alpha Phi Omega (APO) recently and I was asked how it was possible for me to do all the things I do.