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Posts published by “Ian Hipschman”

Who is Mr. Game?

“Player agency is important in all games; it makes the game dynamic and allows players’ personalities to shine. That’s where the idea for the role of Mr.

Ethics and automation: Dobbins vs. Vinsel

Cars are now safer than ever, although car accidents still claim the lives of over 30,000 Americans and over one million people around the globe each year.

“Whiplash” Film Review

With Whiplash, director Damien Chazelle has created a tense, thrilling film that explores how far one is willing to go to achieve success in a competitive, merciless market.

Freshman develops new app

“Once I bought the iOS books, I was able to follow a very organized learning path that relieved the frustration I had grown accustomed to in programming,” says Zachary Shakked, a freshman computer science major here at Stevens.

Is our existence a fluke?

Are we special or unique? Are we, as advanced, thinking beings, at all significant? These and more were powerful questions posed by Dr.

Interstellar review

Time and again, Christopher Nolan has delivered through his unique method of creating films that explore time, morality, humanity, and philosophy.

LearnJam: Learn how to make games!

There were over 50 partcipants, laptops at the ready, eager to learn. They were all gathered in Peirce 120 to learn how to make video games, for LearnJam, an event hosted by the Stevens Game Development Club.