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Posts published by “Evan Papageorge”

Hoboken continues building flood defenses

In recent years, as climate change continues to negatively impact many aspects of life, super-storms and flooding have become detrimental issues for many low-lying and coastal areas.

DeBaun PAC hosts showing of Phantom of the Opera

The DeBaun Performing Arts Center, or DeBaun PAC, is the main body of music and theatre here at Stevens. It is typical for DeBaun to host events of varying topics and interests.

SDS’s fall production: Play On! by Rick Abbot

One Stevens tradition, dating back to 1910, is still running strong: the Stevens Dramatic Society’s (SDS) fall theatre production. This weekend at 8 p.m.

How to keep pumpkins from rotting

As Halloween approaches, many people continue the yearly adornment of carved pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. From the basic yet classic triangle eyes and crooked grin to the ever-complicated entire landscapes and professional works.

Piskies Skare House returns!

With Halloween just around the corner, some upperclassmen of Stevens may notice the return of a well-known, highly attended, and spooktacular event back on campus.

Demons controlling the heating system?

Over recent weeks, many students on the Stevens campus may have noticed that the temperatures in the buildings on campus have become increasingly warm.