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Posts published by “Erin McGee”

Erin McGee is a second year at Stevens double majoring in physics and mathematics. She is also the Science Editor of The Stute. She writes about science and research news, particularly in the fields of space and health.

Moon and planets viewing event with the physics department

With Stevens being so close to New York City, skywatching is not often a popular (or possible) outdoor activity. Nighttime light pollution, lack of open space, and a general lack of opportunity to take some time and look up at the stars make sure of that.

A new treatment for nightmares

Most of us have had bad dreams before. Nightmares, however, can greatly disrupt the quality of sleep we receive, particularly when they happen frequently.

Why whales don’t get brain damage when they swim

Researching Earth’s largest animal is not for the faint of heart. Whales, and in particular their biological systems, have been essentially inaccessible for scientists to study thus far, due not only to their size, but their habitat as well.

A recap of Techfest 2022

After hosting almost 30 events this semester in total, the Entertainment Committee (EC) celebrated the end of the semester with their biggest on-campus event of the year: Techfest. 

Study shows non-Pinnacle Scholars have higher IQs

In a recent study by Snevets, researchers found that non-Pinnacle Scholars have, on average, higher IQs than their Scholar counterparts. 

The Pinnacle Scholar Program is a part of the Special Programs at Snevets, of which “selected” students are a part.