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Courtesy of Caroline Montana for The Stute

A recap of Techfest 2022

After hosting almost 30 events this semester in total, the Entertainment Committee (EC) celebrated the end of the semester with their biggest on-campus event of the year: Techfest. 

This year’s Techfest featured a wide variety of different activities, including student performances, student involvement, games, and giveaways. For the first time, the event featured The Duck Market, which featured student businesses selling food, jewelry, clothing, and much more. Festivities Co-Chair and main planner of Techfest, Olivia Scott commented that: “Diversity is something that we’ve always tried to push forward […] I think that we were able to kind of get a diverse range of artists […] not just musicians but we had the Duck Market where students could kind of showcase their own local businesses […] and that’s an art form in itself.”

On the music side, Techfest featured openers Chris Nitti, Earl Gray, and Beekeeper, the student groups who won Battle of the Bands, also hosted by EC, this past March. The bands opened for the headliner: A R I Z O N A. 

Techfest took a massive amount of planning and organizing from the Committee and specifically the Festivities subcommittee that made it possible. On top of the event itself, the EC had several large initiatives for the event, including aiming to make Techfest as sustainable as possible and promoting a huge amount of student involvement, including volunteering and photography. 

As many of the EC seniors pass the torch to a new E-board, they hoped to set a precedent for how Techfest will look for a new group of Stevens students. With the event being virtual last year and canceled the year before, this is the first time many were experiencing Techfest, and the E-board hopes that the event will continue to grow and improve in the coming years. 

With the size and scale of the event, the EC commented that they hoped it could be something students could look forward to before going into finals. They also noted that with this and other events, student feedback and involvement are always encouraged. When it comes to the impact that EC has had on the campus community, Scott had this advice to students: “Take advantage of it….go to as much as you can, experience as much as you can…when you’re looking back at your college career you’re not necessarily going to remember every single test, every single assignment. You’re going to remember the memories that you’ve made with people you care about and I think that EC is a really good equalizer as far as being able to give people that opportunity.”

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