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Posts published by “Ethan Kleschinsky”

Dorm room dependencies

Having been through almost the entirety of college at this point, I am reflecting on the ways I have spent my time.

Come back next time

The Senioritis is really kicking in, so I don’t feel like writing. Come back next time!

Photo Courtesy of Adobe Stock

Girls just want to have fun

When I was approached by The Stupe for the opportunity to 3peat in writing my annual rendition of the Girl Talk column, I couldn’t turn down the offer.

3D Printed Blowjobs

Picture this: you’re stranded on a deserted desert island with nothing, and you can only have one thing with you. The answer is pretty clear; anyone in their right mind would opt for a single blowjob to help overcome the adversity of the situation.

Cult Seen Dragging Students to Humps Basement

Reports have surfaced this week of several students seeing their peers being dragged with bags over their heads into the basement of the Humps Dormitory.

Sense of urgency

I feel with graduation creeping up closer and closer every single day I sometimes forget to appreciate the little things that I love about college and life in general.

89 days until graduation

Just a week ago, I attended the 100 days ‘til graduation event, where all graduating seniors were invited to come together to celebrate the real beginning of the end.

Love, in the college sense

I feel as if I have been in college for decades at this point, perhaps eons. Every day I grow more tired of the mundane and meaningless and yearn for something uplifting.

Beginning signs of senioritis

With the end of the semester approaching, I feel like the senioritis is finally kicking in. I am ready to wrap up classes, take a step back from some clubs on campus, and spend some more time enjoying myself.