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Beginning signs of senioritis

With the end of the semester approaching, I feel like the senioritis is finally kicking in. I am ready to wrap up classes, take a step back from some clubs on campus, and spend some more time enjoying myself. I will say that I am really looking forward to next semester. I think being able to do a little less will give me a lot more time to relax, which I don’t have right now. I am counting the minutes until the end of the semester, I cannot wait for the break, time away from school is never a bad thing. I am going to get some rest, see some friends and family, and go on vacation! But my eyes are already on the Spring and how little I plan to do after the first month or so. With the end of this semester has come the urge to “pass the torch” in typical Stevens fashion and see other people follow up in the positions I am leaving behind. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows just yet; I still need to finish an entire other semester with good enough grades to graduate, and I would still like to be involved a little bit around campus, just significantly less than I am now.

Walking away from my commitments feels weird, though, I said goodbye to some people that I will likely not see much this upcoming semester. Even though a lot of the people I have worked with feel very much like colleagues, I still enjoyed my time getting to know them all and have to wonder if leaving my commitments and subsequently not really interacting with them anymore is the right decision. I wonder if interactions will be strange or if they will view me as a traitor since I left them all. I think I have left my positions on good terms with those around me, though, so I hope there is never anyone who feels like I betrayed them. But who knows? I will never know if leaving these commitments behind is the right decision, but I am still super excited to be able to reclaim some of my time for myself. I am hoping to get closer to those I have not had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with this semester. Ultimately, this will be good for me, at least I hope! 

All things considered, I am very glad that I made the decisions that I did and spent time on the commitments I have. I am ready to start planning for the next phase of my life while having more time to hang out with friends. But before then, I have to get through finals. For those of you who are new here, finals are never a fun time of year. As everything comes to a conclusion and you want to hang out with your friends, you also have to manage your time to be able to finish your semester-long projects and start preparing/taking your finals. The best course of action is to tuck your chin and get through it the best you can. If you have already made it this far in the semester, you can definitely make it through finals week. Make sure to take some time to yourself this next week because it will get stressful, if I can do it anyone can. Happy holidays, and I am looking forward to seeing you all in January!