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Posts published by “Estefania DeCaires”

Estefania De Caires is a junior at Stevens studying science, technology, & society. She has been a member of the Stute since her sophomore year, and currently, she is a science writer.

How music influences our brains

Music therapy has been around for centuries, as the earliest recorded reference to music therapy was in 1789. Nonetheless, its use didn’t officially take off until the 20th century, when the National Society of Musical Therapeutics, the National Association for Music in Hospitals, and the National Foundation of Music Therapy were created.

The effects of climate change on mental health

The need to fight climate change is almost always talked about from an environmental point of view. For example, an environmental argument is that the warming of the Earth will lead to the increased melting of the ice caps, which will raise the sea level and damage coastal cities.

Energy crisis in Europe

The end of 2021 saw European countries fall into an energy crisis that has played a role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

AI and military technology

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is now a part of our society; from Alexa to facial recognition software, we interact with different kinds of artificial intelligence every day.

Why does productivity decrease in the afternoon?

There’s a time during the day when our concentration starts to become more scattered, our energy goes down, we become increasingly tired, and we are not as productive.