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Posts published by “Abhishek Katti”

My first experience in New York City

It was 3:00 in the afternoon when I woke up to a faint noise of the announcement on board from the cabin crew and the captain herself, “As we have started to approach the city of New York, all the passengers are requested to open their window shades as the temperature outside is 3 degrees with clear skies.”

A guide to fashion as a Grad student

Being a graduate student actually makes you more of an apprentice to your respective field of study and less of an innocent and inexperienced student.

Veterans Day at Elysian Park

Veterans Day honors and remembers veterans for their contribution towards strengthening national security and maintaining the future of our country. Previously known as “Armistice Day” to honor the veterans of World War II, Congress amended the act originally passed in 1938 by replacing “Armistice” with “Veterans” to honor all soldiers that served in the U.S.