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A Stevens Institute of Technology Christmas Special

Attila the Duck, Hailey Hawk, Spaghetti, Meatballs, and all of the characters of famous public domain books turned around to find Santa Claus staring at them.

“See, this is the exact problem I have with you selfish abominations! All you care about is trying to claim whatever thing you can, no matter how big or small, because material possession to you is only a means to your own selfish pleasure! I’m done being Mr. Nice Santa, clearly this world doesn’t deserve presents because it just increases greed! And the only reason why you bother doing nice things is not because it is from the bottom of your heart, but rather because you just want my gifts! That’s not true kindness!”

“But, Santa!” cried Atilla. “We know that sometimes, we end up messing up things, but we don’t mean to be mean, we just sometimes make mistakes! But we still try our best to do our best! You have to forgive everyone! People are better than you think, everyone isn’t some kind of bad, selfish person!”

“Never!” boomed Santa. “Let me ask you a question: did you come here to make me feel better, or did you come here to try to make me give you presents again?” Attila stammered as he knew it was the second reason. Santa then blew everyone back to Hoboken and the rest of their hometowns using his magic wind breath.

“I can’t believe it, from now on, Santa is never gonna give us presents again!” cried Hailey. Spaghetti and Meatballs started to cry as well, with tears coming out of their ears.”I guess he does have a point, though. We are so focused on trying to best each other and trying to accomplish things for our own selfish desires, we sometimes forget about the people around us!”

“You know, maybe we should just try to be good for the sake of being good rather than try to expect presents or something!” said Atilla. “It is important to try to give to others and stand up for what is right; we have let our differences and desires separate us rather than bring everyone together!”

“That’s a great idea!” yelled Spaghetti and Meatballs.

From then on, though Santa Claus never came back to deliver presents to anyone, Attila, Hailey, Spaghetti, and Meatballs started to try doing good things for the sake of being good. They shared with each other, they donated clothes and food to the homeless, they started charities to fund important causes, they cleaned the streets, and did many more things. Soon, other people in Hoboken started to notice the good deeds the gang performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people in Hudson County started to notice the good deeds the people in Hoboken performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people in New Jersey started to notice the good deeds the people in Hudson County performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people in the United States of America started to notice the good deeds the people in New Jersey performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people in North America started to notice the good deeds the people in the United States performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people living on the planet Earth started to notice the good deeds of the people in North America, and this inspired them to do great things as well. Soon, other people on other planets started to notice the good deeds the people on planet Earth performed, and this inspired them to do great things as well.