Walking to class, studying, hanging out with friends, getting a workout in — what do all of these activities have in common?
Posts published in “Year: 2024”
Disclaimer: This article discusses topics of mental health, depression, and suicide
The Stevens motto, Per Aspera Ad Astra, or “Through Adversity, To the Stars,” is indeed a stellar choice of words to describe the experience at this tech school.
Duke University has announced that it will close its herbarium, which hosts over 825,000 plants, fungi, and algae specimens. Duke’s herbarium is one of the most diverse in the nation and has existed for over a century.
Today’s turtles are smaller than humans, but only 9,000 years ago, turtles the size of couches inhabited much of the Brazilian Amazon.

Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is now in the third month of their spring season, which began halfway through January.
In a recent three-game series against Delaware Valley University, the Stevens Baseball team added two wins and a loss to their now overall 14-7 record.
On Friday, March 29, the Stevens Softball team competed in a Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) Freedom doubleheader against Delaware Valley, resulting in an 8-5 victory and a 2-3 loss.

Reports have surfaced this week of several students seeing their peers being dragged with bags over their heads into the basement of the Humps Dormitory.
Effective today, ResLife now has the right to check all drawers, cabinets, and closets. The decision was taken by ResLife in effort to promote and reaffirm safety on campus.
Upon discovering that nobody thought, “Ah yes, like the avocado.” Our steadfast school of humanities has once again decided to rebrand.