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Heads up on room checks: drawers and closets now checked!

Effective today, ResLife now has the right to check all drawers, cabinets, and closets. The decision was taken by ResLife in effort to promote and reaffirm safety on campus. ResLife states in their communication with students that it was a really easy decision to reach simply because anything can be done in the name of “safety.” While there isn’t any direct communication on how the room inspections process will change, students strongly believe that if Snevets implements this policy, all students should be present while their unit is being searched. 

On the topic of student opinion, The Stupe wanted to get more insight on the matter from a student perspective, but no on-campus resident was available for an interview as they were all scrambling to hide their air fryers and graveyards. The Snevets parents Facebook page has turned into a marketplace for students trying to sell their “not-supposed-to-have-in-your-dorm” items. Therefore, if you are an off-campus student and want a rice cooker or other items, be sure to check out the Facebook page!

Disclaimer: This article is part of The Stupe and is satire.