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Stop and smell the roses

I’ve always had a fascination with some of the sillier holidays we have in the U.S. I mean, who wouldn’t love staying up till the wee hours for daylight savings, throwing half-birthday parties, or going all out for Super Bowl Sunday? In fact, one of the only non-editorial articles I’ve ever written was inspired by my passion for Groundhog Day as I dug into its history and quirky traditions.

This past Friday, I actually made the trek to visit Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to see Phil in action. I was there with over 20,000 other sleep-deprived people gathered at 7 a.m. to witness this 138-year-old tradition. I genuinely think if I described some of the traditions I witnessed, some people might not believe me. It was definitely a little crazy but in a fun way.

It’s exactly this kind of craziness and silliness that makes these holidays so festive. It’s fun to have a holiday to celebrate, and they provide a nice break from the usual grind of life. We don’t always take breaks for ourselves, so it’s convenient to have designated time to celebrate.

Think about it: in the Fall, we get two three-day weekends, Thanksgiving break, and several religious holidays that give students a natural break in the semester and a chance to recharge. But come Spring, it’s just two long weekends and an arbitrarily scheduled Spring Break. Even though those are the only days we have off, there’s still Groundhog Day, Superbowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools, and May the 4th!

So, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, take a moment to enjoy it. Stop and smell the roses (pun intended) and appreciate the break in our regular lives. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, hanging out with friends, or just having some me time, make the most of it. Life’s too short not to celebrate the little things. Happy Valentine’s Day!