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The Stute wrapped

As we wrap up the semester with The Stute’s 121st volume, I am excited to reflect on the incredible year we’ve had so far, producing 14 issues that surpassed my expectations. The enthusiasm and dedication of this year’s staff have truly enhanced our publication and organizational culture, and I’m eager to share the various notable moments and successes we’ve celebrated over the past few months.

Stute Weekend: We kicked off the academic year with our first issue featuring articles from participants in the Stute Freshman Weekend program. Before the semester even started, 14 incoming first-year students immersed themselves in the world of The Stute for a weekend in the Summer to learn about the different aspects of the organization and see where they could get involved. We were lucky to have a great group of students, and I’m happy to share that eight of them continued to contribute beyond the initial program, becoming valued members of our team.

Orientation and Flock Party: In order to recruit more members at the beginning of the year, we participated in events like Student Organization Night and the Flock. Before classes intensify, we see a lot more enthusiasm and openness among potential members. I enjoy seeing established Stute members who have thrived within the organization, passionately advocating for others to join. Many of the older students have had an immensely rewarding experience thus far and genuinely want to extend those opportunities to the next generation.

Halloween Issue: Our creativity soared during the Halloween issue, where the entire Stute staff embraced the spooky theme across all our regular sections with themed topics and titles, including the most adorable baby costume pictures you’ve ever seen. This unique edition not only showcased our team’s creativity but also received positive feedback from within and outside The Stute community, which is always really nice to be told and to share with the staff.

GBMs: The weekly GBMs became a highlight, offering a platform for different members of our E-board and minor board to share their area of expertise, give out article assignments, and get to hang out with some of our newer members. We had a fun group that would consistently come to GBMs, and it was a good balance of educational experiences as well as team bonding through word games and good vibes.

Production: Every Wednesday, The Stute met for production in our UCC 216 office as we physically brought the week’s issue to life. Once the articles were written and copyedited, we had a team that worked on layout and digital uploading in preparation for the issue’s release on Fridays. The collaboration was not only productive but also enjoyable, with the consistent group forming a Spotify blend playlist and working together to create a fun atmosphere.

Santa Competition: A surprising twist came when the Entertainment Committee invited us to participate in the Winter Wonderland event’s Santa Competition. I was initially skeptical, not expecting anyone to want to participate, but we had three members who volunteered to represent The Stute in the competition. I saw an unprecedented level of enthusiasm, camaraderie, and competitiveness among our staff, which made me very proud. The event not only brought us together but also showcased a spirited side of The Stute I had never seen before.

Santa Competition Part 2: There were a couple of days when  the signups for the Santa Competition were open when The Stute and the SGA were the only organizations planning to compete. This initiated a friendly feud between us, starting with some playful banter in Instagram comments. 

The night before the competition, the SGA vandalized our office window with threats of our losing the competition and then they proceeded to lose the competition. In retaliation to their vandalism, we struck the following night and wrapped nearly every object in the SGA office in Stutes. Of course, this was all in good fun and allowed us to extend our competitive spirit beyond the competition itself.

The Stute Dinner: The semester concluded with our traditional Stute staff dinner, providing a welcome break from our heavily online interactions and operations. I believe we have greatly improved our in-person presence, and it’s always nice to see everyone who contributes to the paper in one place. This year, the increased spirit has instilled a greater sense of pride in The Stute among our staff members, and seeing this makes me really happy.

Thank you to the entire Stute staff for an exceptional semester and to our readers for your unwavering support. See you all in 2024!