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Breaking news: alternative fairy tales

Recently, in the far southwest part of northeastern Hoboken, there has been a series of various strange events that have been occurring, featuring talking animals, sorcery, and the occult. People from all over the world have been commenting on these strange events, seeing similarities to stories from long ago, with various implications and messages that were discovered as a result of this strange phenomenon. It is important to note down this strange occurrence to help us reevaluate our lives and realize how shocking they can end up being. Here were three of the strange events that occurred.

The first strange event involved three anthropomorphic swines who, after seeing how expensive buying a house was in this economy, decided to set out to build their own houses. The first swine made their house the same way a politician makes an argument, the second swine made their house the same way a person makes a stick figure, and the third swine built their house out of bricks. A large, anthropomorphic canine from Wall Street was targeting the three swines, and since the third swine couldn’t finish their home due to taking so long, and couldn’t run away due to using all their energy to build the house, the canine went and devoured them viciously. The canine went to target the other two houses, but the second swine tricked the canine into entering the stick home, which they immediately lit on fire to kill it. The moral most people seem to take from this, is that while hard work is important, it is smart work and mostly luck that helps you out in the end.

The second strange event involved barn animals living on a nearby farm. An anthropomorphic  hen decided to bake a heavily processed carbohydrate substance, but the other anthropomorphic animals living there refused to help to uphold a lazy, sedentary lifestyle. To punish the other animals for not helping bake the heavily processed carbohydrate substance, the hen decided to eat it up all herself. However, the other animals, unwilling to learn from their behavior, decided to not uphold their basic duties on the farm: the cow refused to give milk, the dog refused to guard the hen house, and the cat refused to chase away vermin. To prevent the farm from losing business, the hen decided to share her heavily processed carbohydrate substance. The moral most people seem to take from this is that people will take advantage of hard-working, marginalized people to uphold their lifestyle.

The third strange event involved a young child wearing a cape who was delivering food to her recently divorced grandmother. The reason she chose to deliver it herself rather than ship the food was because her mother suggested that it would be good to see her grandmother again. The mother warned the child to not take a shortcut in the woods, due to a large apex predator living inside it, which the child heeded. The child walked away from the woods. However, as a consequence, the apex predator started starving due to a food shortage from the woods, and taking from Darwin’s studies, decided to look for other ways to gain food. He decided to go away from the woods to look for potential meals, and saw the young child talking to her friend about where she was going. Though the girl whispered it into her friend’s ear, the apex predator listened carefully due to having a heightened sense of hearing. So the apex predator made his way to the grandmother’s house, and a fatal end came for both the child and her grandmother. The moral most people seem to take from this is that precautions can limit, but never prevent danger.