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Ways to build mental wellness

In college, many of us can struggle with our own mental wellness due to various factors such as stress or anxiety. As January is the month of mental wellness, here are some helpful tips from Psychology Today to better build your mental wellness:

Taking Good Care of Yourself

One of the best ways to improve your mental wellness is by taking care of your own body. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day for most of the week is a good way to do that. The University Center Complex (UCC) Fitness Center is a great place to start at Stevens. In addition, eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (avocados, nuts, and olive oil) and limiting foods that are processed or contain simple sugar is vital to taking good care of yourself. (If you struggle with anxiety, eat several small meals instead of a few big meals as drastic changes in blood sugar make you more nervous). Also, limit taking mind-altering substances such as caffeine and especially alcohol and drugs, as they can change how your mind works and will increase your anxiety and depression slowly over time. Sleep is also important: be sure to get at least seven to nine hours every night to better refresh your mind.

Connecting With Others

Isolation is a cause and symptom of mental illness, so connecting with others is a surefire way to improve your mental well-being. You can try joining a club of people with similar interests to yours, and be sure to engage with people, even if it’s someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. There are plenty of clubs and events on campus to go to which will help you meet new people. (Of course, it should be noted that hanging out with toxic people can often hurt your own mental wellness, and it’s important to leave those people in order to better your own mental well-being). In addition, showing gratitude and giving to others is another great way to lower stress, anxiety, and depression as well as broaden your own viewpoint on life in general. So, go out of your way to make new friends and be kind to others.

Positive Thinking

In addition to being kind to others, you should also be kind to yourself. Practice self-compassion by learning to forgive yourself as well as acknowledge that you are doing your best. You should challenge negative thoughts by trying to stick to the positive. While it’s okay to sometimes feel sad or angry in order to better process your emotions or a situation, delving too much into negative feelings such as sadness and anger can destroy your life and your mental well-being. Practicing mindfulness, and sometimes praying (you don’t have to be religious to pray) can also help as well.

Setting Goals For Yourself

Setting goals for yourself can also improve your well-being, as slowly, over time you can build your self-confidence. Take control of your life, as those that have a degree of control over their life have more happiness in general.

Getting Help When You Need It

It is never wrong to go to a doctor or therapist to improve your mental health, especially if you have suicidal thoughts, psychosis (seeing/hearing things that other’s cannot see/hear), cannot function, have a history of serious mental illness, or when you aren’t successful in your own self-care. It should be noted that in some cultures, therapy is stigmatized, though those stigmas are wrong and you should seek help from professionals when you need it. Sometimes, mental illnesses are brought on by biological factors that can never change despite self-care and other habits, though that doesn’t mean that your mental well-being can never improve.

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